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2021/2022 Stream Two (2) Academic Sessions Specializing In Oil, Gas & Energy Marketing

2021/2022 Stream Two (2) Academic Sessions Specializing In Oil, Gas & Energy Marketing

APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION INTO MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FOR 2021/2022 STREAM TWO (2) ACADEMIC SESSIONS SPECIALIZING IN OIL, GAS & ENERGY MARKETINGAPPLICATIONS ARE INVITED from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the following programmes in the University of Abuja Business Schoo...



Full Title:  International Master of Science Program in the Field of Embedded ArtificialIntelligenceType: ERASMUSDuration: 01/02/2023 to 31/01/2026Budget:Link: DescriptionFor years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been at the top of the technology must-watch list fo...

Revised Academic Calendar 2021/2022 Session

Revised Academic Calendar 2021/2022 Session

The academic year consists of the First and the Second Semesters and One eight-week Summer or Long Vacation Session. Each Semester includes 15 weeks of instruction and two weeks of final examinations with minor adjustments where needed. The long vacation session includes a one-eight – one-six week- ...

EPFL Digital Education - C-CoDE

Kick-off event Excellence in Africa - 1 July 2021...

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